Original Music made for the OST Composing Jam #6 (July 2023)
Music: Evelina G. ©
Download Music : https://evelinag.itch.io/ost-composing-jam-6
Official Website : https://ostcompjam.alonerabbit.com/
itch.io page : https://itch.io/jam/ost-composing-jam-6
Download Music : https://evelinag.itch.io/ost-composing-jam-6
Rate my Project : https://itch.io/jam/ost-composing-jam-6/rate/2193295
Story suggestion :
🎧 Music 1 : a dream - L is agoraphobic. She has difficulty leaving the safety of her house and is taken care of by her older sister. L dreams of going to the sea, but has never been able to. Paintings of the sea are pinned to the wall, reference pictures and an encyclopedia of seashells are lain open on the floor. You explore the room, but your primary goal is to get L to leave the comfort of her room and push herself to go outside.
🎧 Music 2 : train enigma - L musters up the courage to go to the train station. She already know which train would lead her to her destination. Standing on the platform, she is agitated by the constant shuffle of daily commuters and lively travellers. As a train is approaching, L. feels overwhelmed by the crowd. Before she knows it, she finds herself on the track. As the train draws near, time slows down. Seconds now feel like minutes. Will you save her in time ?
🎧 Music 3 : retrospection - L is now inside of the train leading to her destination. Following this event, L doesn't feel well and her head starts spinning. Her vision becomes blurry as she realises what she is doing. How much longer can she endure?
🎧 Music 4 : open your eyes - Leaving the train, L starts running, her arm covering teary eyes, dodging the gaze of curious onlookers. Wiping her eyes, L realises that she is standing on unfamiliar terrain. Lifting her head, she finds herself facing the sea. Her tourment turns into relief and then into tears of joy. She made it.